Saturday, January 17, 2009

Perspektiven (its German)...and more

More word vomit (I swear, sometimes I think movies like "Mean Girls" aren't scripts but simply treasure trove of snarky but snazzy quotes...).
1) I just had another sensation that can only be called a Guettel-gasm. Yupp, Adam Guettel. The song was "Love to Me"-in it, an Italian boy tries to explain his puppy love for an American woman, doing what he can to break the language barrier. What makes it so ravishing is the way Guettel strips down love to the simplest, and therefore most expressive form. No grand gestures or preppy metaphors hear. "The way you lean against the wind/and do not know that you are beautiful-"-don't you get a picture in your head? Between this and the guitars (they seem to be urging the kid on, keeping the tempo to the beat of his innocent heart), you don't just hear pretty music-this guy is genuinely trying to express to his love just how inexpressively amazing she is. By the time the song ended, I felt like I had found a bottle of all the human warmth in the world (an emotional milkshake, if you will), and swallowed it whole, enamored by the rush of feeling and wanting more. And the best part is this feeling isn't even illegal. ITUNES IT.
2) "Do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips"....sad excuse for modern music. "If I Were A Boy"....okay, even I can't hate on it. Damn good video too! Beyonce is a Doris Day, a do-it-all great for the Obama age.
3) I had a random thought: People often talk about how nothing that happens in your youth is THAT important. That teen relationships aren't important. We draw a line in the sand and say "after college you're permitted to find true love, true happiness, the IMPORTANT stuff." Bullshit. I bed last night...(bwahaha) epiphany. (Not the Sweeney Todd song, or, of course, the Catholic Holy Day.) A realization. Part of the reason we all do stupid crap during our teenage years is we're always being told that they aren't THAT important and that "its okay, you'll make new friends, nothing lasts from those days anyway." Well if nothing's important, why not make as many mistakes and screwups as you ca? No. Cause if you start to write off so much as a single second of your life off as unimportant, then everything else becomes unimportant. College is the unimportant bridge to work. Work is the unimportant drudgery separating you from home. Home is the unimportant place where you sleep and raise kids, which feels unimportant cause they are off at school or you at work. SEE?! If you start to regard one part of your life as insignificant, then you give yourself permission to write off EVERYTHING! And then, Sonny, you done sucked the purpose out of your existence. And then, YOU become unimportant. Which no one is. I'm sure there are plenty of holes in this philosophy, but I'm just rambling. I'm just saying, even in the toughest situations, find the importance. Not the good, their isn't always good. But find the importance. That's my goal for '09 (is it really almost the end of a decade?). Find the importance in everything I do, everything that's done to me. Probably some epic failures along the way, but hey, they're important too-they make the successes look pretty.
am i
4) I'm gonna ramp up the amount I write. Mainly because after you see a Holocaust film or one where the hero dies young *COUGH (SPOILER SPOILER) MILK COUGH (END SPOILER END SPOILER)*, you realize that what you ultimately leave behind are words. And if you happen to be my grandmother, a LOT of recipes for the exact same stew. God love the woman.

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