Friday, July 3, 2009

You NEED to see...what??

"DUDDEEEEEE, YOU NEED TO SEE (insert movie/cd/book/tv show here)"
It's about the most frequently said thing in America, right next to "How bout them Cowboys" and "Did you hear about Michael Jackson?" Everywhere we turn, someone's telling us, whether in person or via text or Twitter or carrier pigeon that this or that is a MUST-SEE or a MUST-READ. But in reality, how many things exist that every person alive NEEDS to see-things that will actually improve or add to their quality of life if they experience it??? Sure, I know I would REALLY ENJOY seeing "Knocked Up" or "Titanic", but Katherine Heigl's tummy and Swim Class with Katie and Leo could not be called necessary. I love the Harry Potter books, but giants and wizards and broomsticks (oh my!) say nothing about the human experience. I am a proud member of the Colbert Nation, but even that TV show isn't really a "must-watch." When you start to think about what movie you think people NEED to watch, you'll find the list narrows down very quickly--in my case to one film.
The movie is Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List", which will surprise absolutely no one who's talked to me for over five minutes. Ironically, it's not any kind of an enjoyable experience-it's a three-hour visual document of the Holocaust, coupled with the tale of a Nazi who secretly tries to save Jewish lives. Why this one? Because it's bigger than a movie. And because
1. The obvious-we cannot forget the Holocaust. This movie should be shown in schools everywhere.
2. It's a way of explaining the universe. Okay, don't laugh, listen. Here is a movie that, within a few hours, manages to present the entire broad spectrum of human morality. We have the true evil-the Nazis, who trap 1/3 of Europe's popular in their own private hell. We have the in-betweens-member of Hitler's party who feel pity or sympathy and are willing to save a few Jews, as long as it's not at their own personal expense. And then we have the flawed, beautiful good-the titular character, who utilizes his skills to save millions. To quote a line from the movie, there will be generations because of what he did. The movie single-handedly asserts and explains the presence of good, evil, and moral ambiguity in the world. No small task, eh?
3. As a bonus, you can't beat the acting or production value. Ralph Fiennes, Ben Kingsley, and Liam Neeson have never topped their peerless work here. The black-and-white photography is breathtaking. The script is masterful. The music is beautiful as a stand-alone CD. Oh, and for what it's worth, it walked away with a Best Picture Oscar.
So what are you waiting for?? You NEED to see this movie-one that actually helps us to understand the world and appreciate our place in it. As for what you REALLY REALLY FREAKIN' SHOULD SEE...
Check out my Away We Go review =)

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