Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Make Movie Review-"Every Little Step"

Even if you aren't a theatre geek.
I'll repeat that a gajillion times in this review so get used to hearing it. But let's start with some theatre geek shtick:
'Chorus Line' is the glorious pinnacle of modern theatre, the show that turned the American musical on it's head. It's only appropriate, then, that a movie about the making of this show's great revival is equally awesome, perhaps the most truthful and touching movie ever made about acting of any kind...
Even if you aren't a theatre geek, I'll bet you're a human being (or maybe a Jew). And assuming you have a heart, there's no way it won't be tugged by the stories of the down-and-out performers auditioning for the newest production of Michael Bennett's masterpiece. This movie about music does 'American Idol' one better by banishing mean spirits and cheap laughs from the proceedings. (And by picking the right singers...but we won't go there.) For a movie that basically plays as a montage of audition tapes, backstories and clips from the 24-hour brainstorming session that birthed the original show, Every Little Step is surprisingly non-geeky, and totally accessible. It is also by turns the most emotional (Jason Tam's wrenching audition for the "Paul" role) and funniest (the phrase "Eat nails" will forever be engraved in your memory) movie of the year so far. Directors Adam Del Deo and James D. Stern have mercilessly cut down hours and hours of footage to make a lean, clean movie that introduces over 40 budding thespians and gets you to care about each one. If movies (and life) are about journeys, than what journey is more complex, more arduous than this one? And what payoff is sweeter than strutting your stuff in front of a full house?? This movie doesn't let us sit back and watch. It takes us on an engrossing journey with these people-every little step of the way. You'll love it. Even if you aren't a theatre geek. A.

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